Search Result For explode

Bombings in Turkey – level 1

16-10-2015 15:00

Ankara is a city. It is the capital of...

Buildings survive demolition – level 1

16-10-2015 07:00

In Glasgow, there are six tower blocks. Around 5,000...

News about the Colorado shooting – level 3

18-09-2015 15:00

New photos have emerged which were taken at the...

Plane crashes in England – level 1

28-08-2015 07:00

This news is from England. There is an air...

Volcano in Ecuador – level 1

27-08-2015 07:00

Cotopaxi Volcano is in Ecuador. This volcano is active....

Bomb in Bangkok – level 2

24-08-2015 07:00

A bomb exploded near a popular Bangkok shrine last...

Bomb in Bangkok – level 3

24-08-2015 07:00

Dashcam footage has emerged showing the moment a bomb...

Explosion in Tianjin – level 1

20-08-2015 07:00

This news is from Tianjin. It is a Chinese...

Seventy years after “Fat Man” – level 2

14-08-2015 15:00

In August of 1945, the USA dropped the atomic...

Seventy years after “Fat Man” – level 1

14-08-2015 15:00

The USA dropped a bomb on Nagasaki in Japan....