Search Result For debris

Hurricane Hits Haiti – level 2

10-10-2016 07:00

Last week, Hurricane Matthew tore through Haiti. It completely...

Super Typhoon in Taiwan – level 3

16-09-2016 07:00

Super typhoon Meranti has brought torrential rain and winds...

Bridge in Germany falls down – level 3

22-06-2016 15:00

This is what’s left of a part of a...

Robbery in Paris – level 3

06-05-2016 15:00

A gang of thieves have crashed a 4×4 into...

Fire in Dubai – level 3

04-01-2016 07:00

A fire has broken out in Dubai at a...

Halloween fireballs – level 3

09-11-2015 07:00

Two Halloween fireballs believed to be burning meteors have...

Halloween fireballs – level 2

09-11-2015 07:00

Between September and December every year, the earth travels...

Piece of a plane is found – level 2

03-08-2015 07:00

Reunion Island is a small island about 600 kilometres...

Piece of a plane is found – level 3

03-08-2015 07:00

Could this unknown piece of material lead to answers?...

Tornado in Venice – level 3

16-07-2015 15:00

This footage from shows a tornado sweeping through...