Search Result For shelter

Storm Iota – level 3

23-11-2020 15:00

The most powerful storm of 2020, Storm Iota, hit...

China Floods – level 3

16-07-2020 07:00

After weeks of intense flooding, nearly 300,000 people have...

Bus in Forest – level 2

26-06-2020 07:00

Christopher McCandless was an American adventurer who traveled across...

Bus in Forest – level 3

26-06-2020 07:00

An abandoned bus in Alaska, popularized by the book...

Australia’s Fires – level 2

03-01-2020 07:00

In Australia, about 100 fires are raging, and fires...

Australia’s Fires – level 3

03-01-2020 07:00

In Australia, about 100 fires continue to burn; about...

France Helps Abused Women – level 3

02-12-2019 15:00

Thousands of people flooded the streets of Paris and...

Deaths in Myanmar – level 2

31-10-2019 07:00

The Rohingya are a small ethnic group who live...

Monsoon Flooding – level 3

26-07-2019 07:00

Widespread monsoon flooding affected some 6.7 million people in...

Storm in India – level 2

08-05-2019 07:00

Powerful cyclone Fani hit the state of Odisha in...