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Technology Helps Archaeologists – level 2

15-11-2022 15:00

In the past, archaeologists always had to dig in...

Dying Birds – level 2

08-11-2022 15:00

A study surveyed hundreds of types of birds in...

Dying Birds – level 3

08-11-2022 15:00

A new study surveyed hundreds of bird species in...

Spacecraft and asteroid crash – level 1

30-09-2022 07:00

People worry that an object from space can hit...

Spacecraft and asteroid crash – level 2

30-09-2022 07:00

For the first time, NASA tested a crash a...

Spacecraft and asteroid crash – level 3

30-09-2022 07:00

For the first time, a cosmic collision happened between...

Angola elections – level 3

01-09-2022 15:00

Last week, a government party MPLA claimed victory in...

Fast Longboard Ride – level 3

09-08-2022 15:00

A video went viral that showed 24-year-old Zak Maytum...

Fast Longboard Ride – level 2

09-08-2022 15:00

On the Internet, someone uploaded a video which went...

How to cool cities – level 3

20-07-2022 07:00

In the 1960s, an average of two heatwaves happen...