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Italy Politician in Court – level 1

20-02-2020 07:00

Matteo Salvini is a politician in Italy. In the...

Italy Politician in Court – level 2

20-02-2020 07:00

Matteo Salvini was a deputy Prime Minister of Italy,...

Italy Politician in Court – level 3

20-02-2020 07:00

Matteo Salvini is a former deputy Prime Minister of...

ExxonMobil at Court – level 1

18-12-2019 07:00

ExxonMobil is one of the world’s largest oil and...

ExxonMobil at Court – level 2

18-12-2019 07:00

Last year, the New York Attorney General accused the...

ExxonMobil at Court – level 3

18-12-2019 07:00

Last year, a lawsuit was filed against the company...

Dogs at Law Court – level 1

13-03-2018 07:00

People bring dogs to law courts in Sydney, Australia....

Dogs at Law Court – level 3

13-03-2018 07:00

The Attorney General for New South Wales, Australia, believes...

Dogs at Law Court – level 2

13-03-2018 07:00

An Australian Attorney General believes that people give more...

Attack on Supreme Court – level 1

05-07-2017 07:00

There is an attack in Venezuela. A helicopter drops...