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India cyclone – level 1

21-05-2021 15:00

A cyclone is a big storm. It starts over...

India cyclone – level 3

21-05-2021 15:00

In the grip of a deadly second wave of...

India cyclone – level 2

21-05-2021 15:00

A second wave of the coronavirus hit India very...

Australia floods – level 2

21-12-2023 07:00

Severe floods hit Northeast Australia after heavy rain from...

Australia floods – level 3

21-12-2023 07:00

Heavy rain from former Tropical Cyclone Jasper has led...

Al Niño changes – level 2

08-05-2023 07:00

Changes in weather patterns will have a big impact...

Al Niño changes – level 3

08-05-2023 07:00

Weather patterns are shifting, with big implications for the...

US snowstorm – level 2

03-01-2023 07:00

A heavy snowstorm hit the US, and it cut...

US snowstorm – level 3

03-01-2023 07:00

A deadly storm hit the US and paralyzed New...

Climate change talks – level 2

28-09-2021 07:00

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres met with UK Prime...