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Civilians in Syria and Iraq – level 2

03-01-2019 07:00

According to the US military, the air strikes against...

Protests in France – level 3

27-11-2018 07:00

Last week one of the demonstrations in France killed...

Protests in France – level 2

27-11-2018 07:00

Demonstrations started in France last weekend, continued through the...

Longest Cross-Sea Bridge – level 3

30-10-2018 15:00

The construction of the world’s longest cross-sea bridge finished...

Longest Cross-Sea Bridge – level 2

30-10-2018 15:00

Last Tuesday, people finished the longest cross-sea bridge and...

Fires from California to Japan – level 3

13-08-2018 07:00

The ongoing heatwave has reduced Portugal’s rolling hills to...

Two-legged Dog – level 3

17-04-2018 07:00

Two-year-old dog Tobi from Texas, who was born only...

Dogs at Law Court – level 3

13-03-2018 07:00

The Attorney General for New South Wales, Australia, believes...

Dogs at Law Court – level 2

13-03-2018 07:00

An Australian Attorney General believes that people give more...

The UK’s Latte Levy – level 3

12-01-2018 07:00

The British members of parliament want a 25-pence ‘latte...