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Man Destroys COVID-19 Vaccine – level 2
06-01-2021 15:00
Police arrested a man who worked at a hospital...Man Destroys COVID-19 Vaccine – level 3
06-01-2021 15:00
On Thursday, police arrested a pharmacist at a hospital...First Person Gets a Vaccine – level 1
14-12-2020 07:00
Margaret Keenan is 90 years old. She is the...First Person Gets a Vaccine – level 2
14-12-2020 07:00
90-year-old Margaret Keenan became the first person in the...First Person Gets a Vaccine – level 3
14-12-2020 07:00
90-year-old Margaret Keenan is the first person in the...Vaccine Volunteers – level 2
01-10-2020 07:00
Doctors in Chicago, Illinois, USA are testing a new...Vaccine Volunteers – level 3
01-10-2020 07:00
Bonnie Blue is Chicago, USA’s first COVID-19 vaccine participant...First COVID-19 Vaccine – level 1
17-08-2020 07:00
Russia makes a COVID-19 vaccine. A vaccine is a...First COVID-19 Vaccine – level 2
17-08-2020 07:00
Last week, Russia became the first country that made...