Search Result For wastewater

Beer from wastewater – level 1

30-05-2024 07:00

Reuse Brew is a special beer. It comes from...

Beer from wastewater – level 2

30-05-2024 07:00

A German company makes Reuse Brew, a beer from...

Beer from wastewater – level 3

30-05-2024 07:00

Would you give beer a try after finding out...

Dirty UK waters – level 1

23-05-2023 15:00

UK waters are dirty. The problem is that water...

Fashion Industry – level 1

29-10-2020 07:00

People like to wear fashionable clothes. They still buy...

Fashion Industry – level 2

29-10-2020 07:00

The fashion industry is a big problem for the...

Fashion Industry – level 3

29-10-2020 07:00

The fashion industry is one of the worst polluters...

Fukushima Water in Ocean – level 2

21-10-2020 07:00

In 2011, an earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, and...

Fukushima Water in Ocean – level 3

21-10-2020 07:00

Japanese media said that, starting in 2022, the government...

Thousands of dead fish – level 3

25-08-2015 15:00

As they collect thousands of dead fish, the question...