Search Result For proud

Boy has new hands – level 3

04-08-2015 15:00

An eight-year-old boy in America has become the youngest...

Ireland passes same-sex marriage – level 3

02-06-2015 07:00

It was the culmination of a long and sometimes...

Ireland passes same-sex marriage – level 2

02-06-2015 07:00

In Ireland, politicians campaigned to make same-sex marriage legal....

Ireland passes same-sex marriage – level 1

02-06-2015 07:00

Some people want same-sex marriage to be legal. In...

World War I memorial – level 2

06-05-2015 15:00

During World War I, there was a big battle...

Man stands on a dead whale – level 3

07-11-2014 07:00

Oh look, a dead whale surrounded by sharks. Oh...

Scottish referendum – level 3

29-09-2014 07:00

Six people have been arrested in Glasgow after rival...

Scottish referendum – level 2

29-09-2014 07:00

The people of Scotland voted in a referendum on...

Baby walrus – level 3

11-07-2014 15:00

The first baby walrus born in Germany was proudly...

The Oldest Geisha – level 3

10-07-2014 15:00

Ninety-year-old geisha Yuko Asakusa has sat in front of...