Search Result For confirm

Bad Passwords – level 1

05-04-2021 15:00

Hackers are people who get into people’s computers. They...

Bad Passwords – level 2

05-04-2021 15:00

In March, a group of hackers breached 150,000 security...

Bad Passwords – level 3

05-04-2021 15:00

In March, a group of hackers said that they...

Holi Festival – level 3

02-04-2021 07:00

Holi is a popular ancient Hindu festival, also known...

Trump Impeachment Trial – level 2

18-02-2021 07:00

Donald Trump was the 45th president of the US...

Apple Electric Car – level 3

15-02-2021 15:00

Apple’s possible entry into the global market for cars...

Smart Gym – level 3

15-02-2021 07:00

At-home fitness tools have seen sales jump during the...

Sick People Need Oxygen – level 3

08-02-2021 15:00

A second wave of coronavirus infections in Nigeria has...

People Attack the US Capitol – level 2

12-01-2021 07:00

Last Thursday, the US government formally confirmed Joe Biden’s...

People Attack the US Capitol – level 3

12-01-2021 07:00

Last Thursday, Donald Trump supporters and others stormed the...