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Healthcare workers and COVID-19 vaccine – level 3

04-10-2021 07:00

New York hospitals began firing or suspending healthcare workers...

Kennedy’s murderer may be free – level 1

01-09-2021 15:00

A sad event happens on 5th June, 1968. Sirhan...

Kennedy’s murderer may be free – level 2

01-09-2021 15:00

On 5 June 1968, Sirhan Sirhan murdered Robert F....

Kennedy’s murderer may be free – level 3

01-09-2021 15:00

Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of US Senator Robert F....

A big hole can swallow a house – level 2

10-06-2021 07:00

A huge hole opened in farmers’ fields in central...

A big hole can swallow a house – level 3

10-06-2021 07:00

A huge sinkhole about 60 meters in diameter has...

City Takes Away Statue – level 1

11-06-2020 07:00

In the USA, the Virginia governor wants to take...

City Takes Away Statue – level 2

11-06-2020 07:00

The Virginia governor, Ralph Northam, said that officials will...

City Takes Away Statue – level 3

11-06-2020 07:00

The Virginia governor, Ralph Northam, announced that a statue...

Company Bankrupt – level 1

23-03-2020 07:00

The Company Pacific Gas & Electric, PG&E, has problems...