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Hotel Collapse – level 3

18-10-2019 15:00

In New Orleans, Louisiana, a Hard Rock Hotel was...

Pesticide Ban – level 1

16-10-2019 07:00

A pesticide is a chemical that a farmer uses...

Pesticide Ban – level 2

16-10-2019 07:00

California bans the sale of a pesticide called chlorpyrifos...

Pesticide Ban – level 3

16-10-2019 07:00

California will ban the sale of a pesticide called...

No Electricity in South America – level 2

24-06-2019 07:00

Last Sunday morning, two hydroelectric plants in Argentina failed,...

No Electricity in South America – level 3

24-06-2019 07:00

The failure of two Argentine hydroelectric plants led to...

Shootings in Rio – level 2

05-06-2019 15:00

Police in Rio de Janeiro killed 558 people from...

Shootings in Rio – level 3

05-06-2019 15:00

In Rio de Janeiro, police killed 558 people between...

Conversion Therapy in USA – level 3

05-06-2019 07:00

The governor of the American state of Colorado signed...

Tobacco Trouble – level 2

23-05-2019 07:00

Maryland is a small state in the USA in...