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Operation Changes Her Life – level 2

03-04-2017 07:00

A medical team in the US did an operation...

Oldest Lollipop Lady – level 3

29-03-2017 15:00

Margaret Cattle has patrolled a crossing in England for...

Oldest Lollipop Lady – level 2

29-03-2017 15:00

This news is about Margaret Cattle who was a...

Extreme Weather in Peru – level 2

21-03-2017 07:00

Heavy rains hit Peru and put 200,000 people at...

Russians Celebrate the End of Winter – level 3

03-03-2017 15:00

Some Russians celebrated the end of winter in a...

Russians Celebrate the End of Winter – level 2

03-03-2017 15:00

Some Russians celebrated the end of winter in a...

Peruvian Dog Wedding Ceremonies – level 2

27-02-2017 15:00

In Peru, dogs walked down the aisle just like...

Danger in Northern California – level 3

16-02-2017 07:00

Two overflow channels of the Oroville Dam, a dam...

Hologram of a President Candidate – level 2

10-02-2017 07:00

A candidate for the president in France surprised his...

Hologram of a President Candidate – level 3

10-02-2017 07:00

France’s far-left candidate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, surprised his supporters by...