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Albania Theatre – level 3

25-05-2020 07:00

Albania’s National Theatre in the capital, Tirana, was demolished...

Leader’s Health – level 3

27-04-2020 07:00

The health of the North Korea leader, Kim Jong-un,...

Italy Politician in Court – level 2

20-02-2020 07:00

Matteo Salvini was a deputy Prime Minister of Italy,...

Italy Politician in Court – level 3

20-02-2020 07:00

Matteo Salvini is a former deputy Prime Minister of...

New Brexit Plan – level 3

22-10-2019 07:00

The United Kingdom and the European Union agreed on...

Government in Italy – level 2

02-09-2019 07:00

The League party and the Five Star Movement ruled...

Government in Italy – level 3

02-09-2019 07:00

The League party, led by Interior Minister Matteo Salvini,...

Moscow Politics – level 2

06-08-2019 07:00

Every Moscow councillor is now pro-Kremlin, but there is...

Moscow Politics – level 3

06-08-2019 07:00

All of Moscow’s city council seats are currently pro-Kremlin,...

Journalism and Protests – level 3

19-06-2019 15:00

Russia is definitely not the safest country for journalists...